Splittringen i Demokraterna djupnarEn ny proteströrelse bubblar i USA efter Donald Trumps återkomst. Men vreden riktas inte bara mot den nygamla presidenten – utan även mot hans motståndare.
240 sekundi 24sata, 29.3.2025.Pretplatite se na: http://bit.ly/vecernjisubscribe Prati nas i na ostalim društvenim mrežama: ...
Mohamed Mohamed, 26, och Robert Nyman, 22, mördade man – åkte sen och köpte kebab26-årige Mohamed Mohamed och 22-årige Robert Nyman mördade en man i 25-årsåldern utanför partybåten Patricia i Stockholm. Nu döms båda männen för mord. Programledare: @lisahsilfwer Du prenumererar väl? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ExpressenTV Få de senaste nyheterna på https://www.expressen.se #nyheter #expressen #youtube #shorts #krim #stockholm #patricia
Demonstrationerna mot Hamas växerFör andra dagen i rad tog de här palestinierna sig ut från vad som finns kvar av deras hem för att delta i en historisk demonstration mot Hamas. Du prenumererar väl? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ExpressenTV Få de senaste nyheterna på https://www.expressen.se #nyheter #expressen #youtube #hamas
TRAPAVICA #7: DukiU novoj, sedmoj epizodi naše glazbene emisije 'Trapavica' gost je hrvatski YouTuber i reper Domagoj Martinko, po umjetničkim ...
Will Demand For Tesla Alternatives End The Reign Of Elon Musk?Tesla is in a world of hurt. Sales in California, its main market in the U.S., plummeted 31% in January from a year ago. European numbers are even worse, dropping 43% in the year’s first two months. And in China, by far its most important market for profitability, Tesla sales crashed 29% through February. Its stock has tanked, dropping 34% this year. A backlash has grown against part-time CEO Elon Musk–who also leads fiv...
How A Harvard AI Startup Is Changing The Game In Electronic WarfareDistributed Spectrum has developed tiny AI-powered sensors to help the U.S. military locate enemy troops and drones by their radio emissions. Read the full story on Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeremybogaisky/2025/03/18/this-ai-startup-from-harvard-students-is-arming-soldiers-for-electronic-warfare/ Subscribe to FORBES: https://www.youtube.com/user/Forbes?sub_confirmation=1 Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain u...
”Jag letar efter min dotter”Manyapha Thongorns 17-åriga dotter gjorde sin första dag på bygget i Bangkok – då kom jordbävningen. Nu väntar hennes mamma på besked om hon lever eller inte. – Jag saknar min dotter, säger Manyapha Thongorn och ställer sig en pall för att granska det dammiga räddningsarbetet.
Here’s Who Billionaires Think Is The Best President In U.S. HistoryHint: It’s not Donald Trump. Read the full story on Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/phoebeliu/2025/03/15/heres-who-billionaires-not-trump-think-is-the-best-president-in-us-history/ Subscribe to FORBES: https://www.youtube.com/user/Forbes?sub_confirmation=1 Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlimited access to premium journalism, including breaking news, groundbreaking in-depth reported stories, daily digests...
Hon hann aldrig ta sig ut.När marken började skaka befann sig hans fru i en hiss. Hon hann aldrig ta sig ut. Nu berättar han om de sista ögonblicken innan katastrofen. Foto: Lars Lindqvist • Läs mer på DN.se https://www.dn.se/varlden/anhoriga-till-arbetare-under-rasmassorna-vagrar-ge-upp-hoppet/
'Da je Picasso radio u vrijeme društvenih mreža bio bi napadan i ismijavan'Dizajner Boris Malešević, u središte pozornosti javnosti došao je kao jedan od autora novog vizualnog identiteta grada Zagreba ...
Delar av solen försvannKlockan 11.31 inleddes den partiella solförmörkelsen över Sverige. Du prenumererar väl? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ExpressenTV Få de senaste nyheterna på https://www.expressen.se #nyheter #expressen #youtube
The ultra wealthy are flocking to buy mega mansions in Florida's "Billionaire’s Beach" #FloridaFlorida has become the mecca of America’s wealthiest—with many of the world’s richest individuals flocking to one oceanside town, dubbed “Billionaire’s Beach,” where you can rub shoulders with the likes of Ken Griffin and Donald Trump. #Trump #donaldtrump #billionaire #beach Subscribe to Fortune - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=FortuneMagazineVideo Fortune...
Bobu Bob: Poznati hrvatski dizajner razgovara o novom vizualnom identitetu Grada ZagrebaUgledni dizajner Boris Malešević na gostovanje u podcastu Bobu Bob! stigao je s potpisivanja ugovora s Gradom Zagrebom o ...
U Hrvatskoj Kostajnici proglašeno izvanredno stanjeIzvanredno stanje obrane od poplava od jutros je uvedeno za Unu na području Hrvatske Kostajnice jer su vodostaji premašili ...
Danas se očekuje vrhunac vodostaja rijeka Korane i KupeKad je riječ o području Kupe kod Karlovca, vrh vodnog vala u Karlovcu očekuje se danas popodne na razinama ispod redovnih ...
Slavonski Brod: Zbog obilnih oborina naglo raste vodostaj SaveZbog obilnih oborina i ulijevanja velike količine vode iz pritoka u gornjem toku naglo raste vodostaj Save kod Slavonskog Broda.
Svenske Joakim Medin gripen i TurkietJournalisten och författaren anklagas för ”förolämpning av presidenten” och ”medlemskap i en terrororganisation” och är gripen sedan i torsdags. Mängder av svenska politiker och aktivister kräver att Medin ska frisläppas, däribland socialdemokraternas partiledare Magdalena Andersson (S). Joakim Medin har i flera uppmärksammade omgångar skildrat kurdernas frihetskamp mot både IS och den turkiska staten. Läs hela artikeln, http...
Prizori užasa nakon katastrofe: Više od 1000 mrtvih, zgrade u ruševinama i panika na ulicamaStrane spasilačke ekipe počele su u subotu stizati u Mjanmar kako bi pomogle u potrazi za preživjelima nakon potresa koji je u toj ...
Kampen mot klockan: ”Hade betytt allt”Minst tre personer har dött efter att en skyskrapa under uppbyggnad rasade i Thailands huvudstad Bangkok till följd av det jordskalv som drabbade Sydostasien i går. men olyckan kunde ha blivit mycket värre. Många av arbetarna hade lämnat byggnaden för att äta lunch när den rasade, berättar räddningsledaren Nansakorn Noppharatwimon för Expressen Du prenumererar väl? http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ExpressenTV Få...
Srušeni svi rekordi! Marko Perković Thompson u samo šest sati prodao više od 130.000 ulaznicaKoncert Marka Perkovića Thompsona koji će se 5. srpnja održati na zagrebačkom Hipodromu, prodao je preko 130.000 ulaznica ...
Junior Lerin om första tiden i Sverige och hur magi hjälpt honom.Vasaloppet fick en ny fixstjärna i år. En fyrabarnspappa i grismössa gled fram som en samtidsfrälsare, när spåren smälte i en alltmer otrygg värld.
Ny undersökning: Föräldrar är för mycket på mobilenEn ny dansk undersökning visar att vartannat barn tycker att vuxna spenderar för mycket tid på sina mobiler. Över 1 000 danska barn i åldrarna 9–14 år, har intervjuats. Även tre av fyra barn upplever att det är svårt att komma i kontakt med sina föräldrar när de använder mobilen. Undersökningen gjordes av Epinion för bland annat det danska tv-bolaget DR. Reporter: Nils Abenius Du prenumererar väl? http://www.y...
Is Steve Clarke's time in charge of the Scottish National Team coming to an end? | Game OnGot two minutes? That’s all you’ll need for Record Sport’s newly-launched podcast which will see the expert panel discuss all the big issues in Scottish sport and beyond - in handy bitesize chunks. Gavin Berry and Fraser Clarke take their seats behind the microphones in the Record Sport studio for this week’s edition of Game On. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/YT_esHhchgw In this week'...
Former Celtic captains Scott Brown and Neil Lennon go head-to-head as Ayr United take on DunfermlineScott Brown trusted Neil Lennon with his life when on the same side... but knows it may not be worth living if he doesn’t produce a decent bottle of red now on the opposite. That’s a worry for five o’clock, though, as the Ayr gaffer says the real battle against Dunfermline belongs in the middle of the park where the two of them so successfully ran the show. The fact former team-mat...
Asal Dardan: Traumaland – taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigDie deutsche Vergangenheit wirkt bis heute nach und verlangt ein gemeinsames Gedenken, das unterschiedliche Realitäten vereint. Asal Dardan betont die Verantwortung der deutschen Nachfahren des Zweiten Weltkriegs, das Vergangene sichtbar zu machen: Das vergossene Blut kann nicht ungeschehen gemacht werden und die Schuld bleibt, auch wenn die Täter unsichtbar erscheinen. Traumaland – ein taz Talk im taz Studio auf der Leipz...
Laura Wiesböck: Digitale Diagnosen – taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigIm digitalen Zeitalter droht der Hype um „Mental Health“, die Ambivalenz des Lebens zu verdrängen. Auf sozialen Medien dominieren Begriffe wie „Trauma“, „Trigger“ und „toxisch“, die oft inflationär und ohne fachlichen Kontext verwendet werden. Eigendiagnosen und Urteile über andere verbreiten sich so mit Leichtigkeit. Digitale Diagnosen – ein taz Talk im taz Studio auf der Leipziger Buchmesse mi...
Jan Feddersen: Meine Sonnenallee – taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigJan Feddersen, seit 27 Jahren Anwohner, erzählt in „Meine Sonnenallee“ von seinen Erlebnissen, Begegnungen und Spaziergängen. Sein Buch zeigt die zarten und rauen Facetten eines Viertels, das weit mehr ist als nur sein Ruf. Meine Sonnenallee – ein taz Talk im taz Studio auf der Leipziger Buchmesse mit:
Huge Death Toll Feared in Myanmar EarthquakeA powerful earthquake struck central Myanmar on Friday, gouging open roads, toppling century-old religious monuments and destroying multistory buildings as it shook a vast expanse of Southeast Asia and dealt another severe blow to a country that has been ripped apart by civil war. While the death toll remains unclear, expert estimates warned it could be extraordinary, given the dense population and vulnerable structures near the epicenter, jus...
Reise in die Mediengesellschaft USA – taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigAbtreibungsrechte in Texas, Trump-Wahlkampf in Pennsylvania, „Latino Vote“ in Arizona - die ersten Daniel-Haufler-Fellows berichten im "Fellows"-Journal von ihren Recherchen und dem Medienprogramm im Herbst 2024, mitten im US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf. Drei Wochen waren sie in den USA unterwegs, entstanden sind Print-Reportagen, Radio-Beiträge, Podcasts und Videos. Das Stipendium ist ein Projekt des Freundesk...
Doris Akrap: Oh! Dalmatien – taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigDalmatien als klassischer Urlaubsort im Süden Kroatiens schmeckt nach süßer Melone und Schnaps aus Plastikflaschen. Knatternde Vespas, Zikaden und Meeresrauschen bilden die Soundkulisse für den Urlaub. Doch es gibt noch so viel mehr zu entdecken. Oh! Dalmatien – ein taz Talk im taz Studio auf der Leipziger Buchmesse mit:
Annett Gröschner: Schwebende Lasten – taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigDie Autorin Annett Gröschner verwebt in diesem Roman die Lebensgeschichte Hannas mit der Historie des Industriezeitalters und gibt so denjenigen eine Stimme, die oft übersehen werden. Es ist eine Hommage an die stillen Heldinnen des Ostens und ein Porträt eines unfassbaren Jahrhunderts aus der Perspektive einer ganz normalen Frau. Schwebende Lasten – ein taz Talk im taz Studio auf der Leipziger Buchmesse mit: ...
Moment 34 storey building collapses in Bangkok quake leaving 10 dead 1SHOCK videos show water gushing from a rooftop pool and a high-rise building collapse as a massive 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck Myanmar and Thailand. Up to 100,000 are feared dead with dozens still trapped under mountains of rubble after skyscrapers, religious buildings and family homes crumbled to the ground. Read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/34109227/earthquake-rocks-myanmar/ Subscribe to The Sun: https:...
Dmitrij Kapitelman: Russische Spezialitäten – taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigKapitelman verbindet Tragik, Zärtlichkeit und Humor in einem einzigartigen Roman über das, was Kriege zwischen Menschen und Generationen zerstören und zeigt auf, was dennoch bleibt. Russische Spezialitäten – ein taz Talk im taz Studio auf der Leipziger Buchmesse mit:
Charlotte Brandi: Fischtage – taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigElla, 16 Jahre alt und in Dortmund zu Hause, hält Freundschaften auf Abstand. Ihre unkontrollierten Wutausbrüche haben sie zu oft isoliert und auch ihre Familie scheint zerbrochen: Die Eltern stehen vor der Scheidung und zu ihren Geschwistern fehlt jegliche Verbindung. Nur Eckard, der alte Nachbar, war immer ein verlässlicher Freund. Er gibt Ella seinen singenden Plastikfisch in Pflege, mit dem sie sich auf die Suche nach...
Rattelschneck und Robert Seethaler: Trotteln– taz Talk meets Buchmesse LeipzigRobert Seethaler und Rattelschneck schaffen mit „Trotteln“ eine herrlich schräge Auseinandersetzung mit einer Welt, die sich vor allem für das Seltsame interessiert. Trotteln – ein taz Talk im taz Studio auf der Leipziger Buchmesse mit:
Things Are Bad At Tesla And They're About To Get Much WorseThe EV company’s sales are tanking in all major markets as its Chinese rivals are surging. But Tesla’s problems are just beginning. Read the full story on Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/alanohnsman/2025/03/27/things-are-bad-at-tesla-theyre-about-to-get-much-worse/ Subscribe to FORBES: https://www.youtube.com/user/Forbes?sub_confirmation=1 Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlimited access to premium journalism, inc...
Celtic v Hearts - Preview, team news, stats and stream details ahead of Scottish Premiership clashCeltic return to domestic action as they look to close in on a fourth league title in a row - they take on a Hearts side in the fight for a top six finish and a place in Europe. Kick-off tomorrow, Saturday, March 29th, is at 3pm at Celtic Park. Daily Record Homepage: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/ Daily Record Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheScottishDailyRecord Daily Record Instagram...
Dundee vs Rangers: Team news, stats and live stream details ahead of Scottish Premiership clashNeil McCann was the last Dundee manager to beat Rangers in 2017. And the Ibrox assistant will hope that record continues on Saturday night. After the two-week international break, it's back to domestic duties this weekend as Gers travel to Dens Park. Barry Ferguson has lifted the cloud of gloom that has been hanging over Govan this season with a stunning 3-2 Old Firm win at Parkhead, days af...
Powerful earthquake rocks Myanmar and Thailand, killing more than 150 peopleA powerful earthquake rocked Myanmar and neighbouring Thailand on Friday, killing more than 150 people and destroying buildings, a bridge and a dam. At least 144 people were killed in Myanmar, where photos and video from two hard-hit cities showed extensive damage. At least eight died in the Thai capital, where a high-rise building was under construction collapsed. The 7.7 magnitude earthquake, with an epicentr...
Duo and Captain Crunch follow Ashton Hall's morning routine #ShortsAshton Hall's five-and-a-half-hour morning routine has gone viral, and brands like Pop-Tarts and Blizzard are getting in on the fun. #Duolingo #GRWM #Poptarts
US Vice President JD Vance and his wife visit US military base in GreenlandVice President JD Vance, his wife and other senior US officials have visited an American military base in Greenland in a trip that was scaled back after Greenlanders and Danes were angered that the original itinerary was planned without consulting them. Soon after arriving, Mr Vance briefly addressed US troops stationed at the base as he and his wife sat down to lunch with them, saying that the administration of ...
Bournemouth beach attack ‘extremely dangerous misfit’ jailed for minimum of 39 yearsA 21-year-old “social misfit” with a “grievance against women” has been jailed for life to serve a minimum of more than 39 years for the murder of Amie Gray because he “wanted to feel powerful”. Nasen Saadi, of Croydon, south London, stabbed the 34-year-old physical trainer and seriously wounded her friend Leanne Miles as the pair were enjoying a late-night chat next to a small fire at th...
Meet the Amazon engineers testing warehouse robots for hiccups #amazon #robotsAmazon engineers test and improve the company's robots that are designed to replace repetitive motions by warehouse workers. #amazon #robots #engineering #business #success Subscribe to Fortune - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=FortuneMagazineVideo Fortune Magazine is a global leader in business journalism with 55 million monthly page views and a readership of nearly 32 million, with maj...
240 sekundi 24sata, 28.3.2025.Pretplatite se na: http://bit.ly/vecernjisubscribe Prati nas i na ostalim društvenim mrežama: ...
Scott Brown on the Celtic scenario he didn't envisage in 'a million years' as Lennon reunion awaitsScott Brown admits “never in a million years” would he have envisaged what Somerset will throw up tomorrow – his old boss in the dugout and former team-mate on the park. The Ayr boss will be first up to face Neil Lennon in the Dunfermline hotseat while fellow former Celt Victor Wanyama is in line to feature in the Pars’ engine room. Read more: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/f...
See Physical Clashes and Counter Protest at Black Mass at Kansas CapitolThe leader of the Satanic Grotto, Michael Stewart, was arrested after allegedly punching a counter protestor inside the Kansas Capitol building on Friday, March 28, 2025. Read Full Story: https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article303015799.html More from The Kansas City Star: Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2FDe1zT Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kansascitystar/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the...
JD Vance slams Denmark for 'not keeping Greenland safe' as he visits territoryVICE President JD blasted Denmark for not keeping Greenland safe from the looming threats from China and Russia. Vance arrived in Greenland with his wife Usha for a controversial visit as the US plots to seize the island from Denmark. Read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/34128824/vance-greenland-arrives-trip-trump/ Subscribe to The Sun: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIzXayRP7-P0ANpq-nD-h5g?sub_confirm...
Doorbell cam captures bear playing with an unexpected toy #ShortsThis bear became intrigued by a "shiny" object (don't we all) and went to investigate. #Bear #DoorbellCamera #Wildlife
Will Donald Trump Defund NPR And PBS? Here’s What We Know As The President Attacks The BroadcastersPresident Donald Trump called for PBS and NPR to be defunded Wednesday, resuming attacks against public media as Republicans echoed the president’s wishes and accused the nonprofit media outlets of reporting with political bias and agendas. Read the full story on Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/antoniopequenoiv/2025/03/27/will-trump-defund-npr-and-pbs-heres-what-we-know-as-preside...
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